Friday, May 4, 2007

Text Blog Entry 6: Climate Panel goes for nuclear option

The article is about the discussion between different partys and their proposals to fight the global warming. This discussion was raised at the the third United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The scientists think it is possiple to stabilize the economic situation but the people all over the world would have to change their way of life and disclaim bad habits or luxurys which causes damage to our planet. Especially India and China as development countries would be needed to work into this direction. Nevertheless there is a big issue about whether to use nuclear technology or geneticly grown crops as energy source for the future. However, critics are complaining that the IPCC was insufficient in its support of problematic technology.

I counted 32 active and 7 passive forms in the text.

the passive forms:
1. "...genetically modified crops..." - simple present passive
2. "...measures needed to save..." - future passive
3. "...are prepared..." - simple present passive
4. "...modified biofuels..." - simple present passive
5. "...changes were needed..." - simple past passive
6. "...fertilizers used to grow..." - simple past passive
7. "...than envisaged by..." - simple past passive

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