Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Oral Blog Post Entry Seven: Diploma Lecture 2

Last Tuesday Rohan Stace from the Police of New Zealand visited us. He talked about the Police in New Zealand, its general role, responsibilities and what kind of crimes seems to happen most often.
For foreigners there is often the issue of communication difficulties because of language barriers. In case of an accident the language could become even worse because of anxiety and shock. In these situations you should always ask the police officer for the ‘Language Line’ where you can be connected with someone who is able to translate for you. You are expected to call as soon as possible after the accident happened and you should give as much information as you can provide. You should also ensure that the person on the other side of the line understands you clearly and mention if you need other services like for example an ambulance.
To avoid being robbed or attacked it is advised by the police to walk in crowded places, never be alone at night or at least in well lit areas. Trust your instincts about other people, carry a cell phone with you and do not carry too many valuable things on the body.

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